Straight from the Horse's Mouth December 2017 | Page 8

We all deserve to smile. At Ride On St. Louis you know we are committed to making smiles and lasting quality of life improvements for people in need. In celebration of our 20th birthday and in support of all the smiles yet to come, enlist in the crusade! You can easily become an honored member of the Crusader's Circle and champion your cause with a donation of $20 a month, just pennies a day. Crusader's Circle Giving even a small amount every month can add up in a big way. Ride On St. Louis relies on the generosity of donors like you to help with our everyday needs. By joining the Crusader’s Circle, a monthly giving club at Ride On St. Louis, every dollar goes directly toward delivering outcomes and changing lives. You’ll be making a difference, every single month. Some of our largest everyday needs include caring for our equine counterparts. Unlike treatment components found in a clinical setting, horses are sentient beings who experience wants, fears, sadness, joy, anxiety, peace and trust just like we do. They work alongside us to help improve people’s lives and without them our services and the benefits they bring would not exist. Our horses require care and attention everyday not only so that they can best serve clients, but also so that they can find purpose and fulfillment in their own personal lives. We strive to provide top quality care and comfort to our horses and be efficient and economical in our care. Each day our nine horses’ most basic requirements include consuming $20 of hay, $13 in bedding, and $9 in feed—every day without fail. Without their care and comfort, over 150 people with disabilities each year wou