MEALS Your child will be served breakfast , lunch , and snack each day . Part day students will have breakfast and lunch . Weekly menus are shared in the weekly newsletter . Children with special diets or food allergies will receive an individual diet plan . We have a strict NO OUTSIDE FOOD policy for nutritional and safety reasons . Thank you in advance for adhering to this policy . If you have any questions or concerns , please contact Nurse Jen 860-763-8858 or jmaier @ enfieldschools . org .
EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION In case of emergency , parents will be called immediately . It is mandatory that the office has up-to-date home , work , and emergency telephone numbers always . Please notify the office of any changes in any of these numbers . Every family must have two emergency numbers . ( Emergency contacts could be relatives , neighbors , friends , etc .)
LEGAL FAMILY DOCUMENTS Any legal documents pertaining to the child ’ s daily custodial arrangements must be shared with the main office . Copies of current court papers or divorce decrees are required to be on file to uphold the orders of the court noted in the document .
REPORTING ABSENCE OR TARDY TO SCHOOL If your child is going to be late or not able to attend school due to illness or any other reason , please contact the school office at 860-253-4741 . To leave a message on the attendance line , simply state your name , your child ’ s name , and the reason for the absence .
Child abuse is the non-accidental physical or mental injury , sexual abuse , or negligent treatment of a child under the age of 18 by a person responsible for the child ’ s welfare .
Forms of abuse include : Physical abuse – injuring a child by shaking , beating , burning , or other similar acts . Sexual abuse – engaging in sexual behavior with a child or allowing sexual exploitation of a child . Emotional abuse – excessive belittling , teasing , or berating which impairs the psychological growth of a child . Neglect – failing to provide for a child ’ s basic needs ( i . e ., food , clothing , shelter , hygiene , education , medical care , and supervision ). Although any type of maltreatment may be found alone , they often occur in combination . SELC STAFF ARE ALL TRAINED , MANDATED REPORTERS – IF WE HAVE GOOD REASON TO SUSPECT CHILD NEGLECT OR MALTREATMENT , WE MUST PER THE LAW , REPORT SUCH TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ( DCF ). DCF Child Abuse / Neglect Hotline # 1-800-842-2288
BOE Policy # 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse , Neglect and Sexual Assault
13 Family Handbook