We are committed to working together with families to ensure our students succeed not only in PK but throughout their school years . Good attendance makes a difference . Stowe Early Learning Center keeps track of absenteeism to maximize benefits to enrolled children . Attendance records are reviewed monthly and monitored daily / weekly . In alignment with the Head Start performance standard , we strive for 85 % average daily attendance for all students .
Procedures for reviewing attendance data :
● SELC will call home if a child is absent for 3 consecutive days to determine the reason for the absence .
● If unable to make contact , the school will follow-up .
● If attendance is less than 85 % in one month , a letter will be sent home noting the number of absences . Chronic absences result in a team meeting that includes families to create a plan to ensure that their child attends school .
● For Head Start students , family partnership agreements are signed at the first home visit with Family Advocates . Part of this agreement sets the attendance expectations for Enfield Head Start .
● Attendance percentages for Head Start will be reviewed by the policy committee to understand barriers and brainstorm ideas to increase participation .
7 Family Handbook