Board of Education Policies ( Click to access the complete list of BOE policies including Title IX , Bullying , and Safe School Climate )
GREEN CLEANING PROGRAM IN SCHOOLS ( 3513.1 A . R .) ( CT P . A . 09-81 )
The State of Connecticut is requiring that each local and regional board of education implement a green cleaning program for all school buildings and facilities in its district .
Enfield Public Schools is committed to the implementation of this law by providing the staff and , upon request , the parents and guardians of each child enrolled in each school with a written statement of the school district ’ s green cleaning program as well as making it available on its web site annually . The administrative regulation will also be distributed to new staff hired during the school year and to parents or guardians of students transferring in during the school year .
1 . Green cleaning program means the procurement and proper use of environmentally preferable cleaning products as defined by the Department of Administrative Services ( DAS ) for all state-owned buildings , schools , and facilities . DAS currently requires that environmentally preferable cleaning products be independently certified by one of two third party certified organizations : Green Seal or Eco Logo
2 . By July 1 , 2011 , and thereafter , no person shall use a cleaning product in a public school unless it meets the DAS standard .
3 . The types of cleaning products covered in this legislation include : general purpose , bathroom , and glass cleaners , floor strippers and finishes , hand cleaners and soaps . The preferred green cleaning products used by this school district are listed on Attachment “ A ”.
4 . Disinfectants , disinfectant cleaners , sanitizers , or antimicrobial products regulated by the federal insecticide , fungicide and rodenticide act are not covered by this law .
The following statement will be part of this school district ’ s program as stated in the new law :
44 Family Handbook