If medication is required during school hours , a Medication Authorization Form completed by a physician and signed by the parent is necessary per the CT General Statues , 10-12a . ( Form available at school ) This form and the labeled unopened medication should be brought to school by the parent and given directly to the nurse . Do not send in on the bus or give to any other staff member .
If your child has allergies , asthma , or other illnesses , the nurse will need documentation of those allergies or symptoms from a physician . SELC will work closely with families to ensure your child ’ s safety while at school and on the bus .
The Enfield Board of Education , as per state law , requires that each child in PK be protected against measles , mumps , rubella , poliomyelitis , diphtheria , pertussis ( whooping cough ), tetanus , hemophilus , influenza , hepatitis type A & B , varicella , pneumococcal , and influenza . Documentation of the flu vaccine must be submitted to the Health Manager / Nurse by December 31 of the current school year .
38 Family Handbook