Microsoft TEAMS is utilized by teachers as a tool for communication between home and school . Families receive updates and photos about classroom happenings , ideas to support learning at home , and access to engagement opportunities via their child ’ s classroom TEAMS page !
Arrival : Children are greeted upon walking into the classroom , hang up their belongings , wash hands , and use the bathroom as needed .
Tinkering : Children will have 15-30 minutes after arrival to eat breakfast , answer the question of the day , and tinker . Tinkering activities may include stringing beads onto a pipe cleaner , snipping with scissors , sensory items ( play dough , slime , etc .), writing activities , puzzles , etc .
Hypothesis Time ( morning meeting ): Children will participate in a morning hello , review of classroom expectations , linear calendar , morning message , and inquiry activity .
Exploration Time ( centers ): Children will participate in activities throughout the classroom that are infused with the unit goals and objectives . At the end of exploration time , the students will reflect and share what they did during exploration time .
Outdoor Adventure : Children will have multiple opportunities to play with large and small equipment and materials , incorporated into all playground areas . Additionally , staff facilitates group games and activities
Mealtimes : Children will be provided with breakfast , lunch , and snack each day . We follow the USDA guidelines for family style meals . Students learn table manners , expand communication and social skills , and self-help skills . Family style meals encourage students to try a variety of foods .
Dream Time ( rest time ) Children will have the opportunity to rest each day . Each student has a dream bag that includes books , crayons , a pencil , and journal . Quiet toys are also available for children to engage with if they do not sleep .
Music and Movement : Children are exposed to a variety of music and dance from different cultures to support an appreciation for different types of music and dance . Vocabulary and concepts related to music are embedded into music and movement breaks , transitions , and classroom activities .
Each classroom has a Certified Teacher and 2 Teacher Assistants . Class sizes do not exceed 18 , giving us a ratio of 1 to 6 .
22 Family Handbook