Story/telling Story/telling | Page 98

“Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the situation, the more essential it is.” TIM O’BRIEN NOVELIST This book is an experiment, adventure, and a compendium of lived experience. No matter which belief you hold regarding the beginning of human existence, storytelling is something that has and always will coexist with the human race. Within this book I documented different exercises which were conducted to explore the complexity of storytelling. In the social media dependent society that we find ourselves in, it is important to actively disconnect from technology so we can properly listen to and share story in a variety of different mediums. This book highlights the importance of story and the potential it has for you to live a fulfilling, purposeful and happy life. If you find yourself depending on your newsfeed for entertainment and education then I invite you to read through these pages and once you’re done with this book go forward – hungry for experience. Put your phone down and open your ears to a story. Share your story. Go out there and explore new avenues to share story. Joshua Singler