Storizen March 2018 Holi Special Issue Holi 2018 Special Issue | Page 20

STORIZEN   CONTRIBUTE I just hope and pray that each year when we celebrate this festival, we keep reminding ourselves that one fine day we will turn into ash and become part of this Mother Nature. And when that day comes, we won't be able to identify which caste we belonged to, what color we were and which religion we followed. But, until that day comes, let’s observe only one religion, let's preach only one subject, let's follow only one culture and let's celebrate only one festival. Holi - The colorful festival of love and humanity, the path that shall lead us towards blessedness. A poet and a writer in search of a soul who can be my muse. Loves dogs, football, poetry, reading novels, long rides, hibernating and music. 17    |    STORIZEN MAGAZINE