Storizen Magazine June 2019 | Madhulika Ra Chauhan Storizen Magazine June 2019 | Madhulika Ra Chauhan | Page 45
Inside the book:
Inside C Suite is a collection of 21
short stories, which are inspired
by some events and incidents
from the real corporate world and
is blended with a good amount of
fiction. For a corporate employee
who is always keen to know what
happens in the top management
level especially at the CXO level,
what kind of risks and pressures
JUNE 2019
the top people undergo, what
happens in the meeting rooms,
how does business run, why are
mid-level and top-level people
often criticized by the employees
for their attitudes and such things,
this book is a perfect one to have
a read.
Book Cover: The cover image of
the book is attractive with the title
in large font and catchy turquoise
colored letters.
Book Title: The title of the book '
Inside the C-Suite: 21 Lessons
from Top Management to Get
Your Way in Business and in Life '
clearly explains that the book is
about 21 stories taken from the
corporate world.
In this book, the author has
presented the readers with 21
short yet very effective stories
that talk about the decision
making approaches, pressure
tackling ways and, relationship
management in any company
adapts under any type of
situations. This book definitely will
change the thinking attitude of
any employee and create a
positive impact on their peers.
Last but not least, I truly
appreciate my peers with whom I
have worked and thanks to the
author for penning this wonderful