Storizen Magazine June 2019 | Madhulika Ra Chauhan Storizen Magazine June 2019 | Madhulika Ra Chauhan | Page 34

STORIZEN CONTRIBUTE Dusk To Dawn by Stuti Gogia I was under the state of obesity during myunder confident teenage. I never thought in my life that I will be able to do something comparing to what I am doing right now. I have always been doubting my potential and capabilities. But the turning point of my life made me realise that I am missing the important part of it i.e. Self-Love. At that time when I stood in front of the mirror and accepted the fact “This is I am and I know the fact what I can do to change myself from yesterday to today. All I need to make the best version of myself differentiating not with anybody but with my body who I used to be”. It has been said by many thinkers that once you take up the charge and decide to move forward leaving all the sadness and darkness behind. You will 34 | STORIZEN MAGAZINE be the brightness of dawn. Workout and Clean eating became integral part of my life. I started looking videos on self-improvement and appreciating what looks good on me contrasting what not. I researched on improving skin, the best ways to look more confident and charming. I did a lot of hard work each day and that just not made me look better but also made me feel better. There were indeed phases in my life since last 10 years suffering from ups and downs but I took assurance that if Iever go back to those initial stages either being sad JUNE 2019