Storizen Magazine June 2019 | Madhulika Ra Chauhan Storizen Magazine June 2019 | Madhulika Ra Chauhan | Page 28

STORIZENEVENTS HOT OFF THE PRESS This book is a much-awaited What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School – for young Indian professionals Secrets for every aspiring manager to reach the top. psychology, and have worked with multiple leading companies, including Deutsche Bank, Airtel, AT Kearney and Pepsi Co. A sharp, insightful guide to the unwritten rules of success at work, written especially for young Indian professionals with drive and ambition. Filled with practical advice and graphic/visual guides, the book decodes how different organizations work, how culture trumps strategy, how to deal with power and politics at the workplace, how to read personality traits and other useful skills to ease survival in the work environment. The authors are senior HR executives with more than 20 years of experience in the field of organizational behaviour and 28 | STORIZEN MAGAZINE JUNE 2019