Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue | Page 42
by Aparna Mukherjee
In this hectic life, you
look for a serene
place where you can
get solace. At times,
our mind clogs facing
the irritation of
weather and the daily
chores which we do
day in day out in our
life. To rejuvenate
and slow time down
for a while, you feel
like unwinding in a
place where you can
just be yourself. I am
a working woman
who have spent half
of her age in Mumbai.
My parents have just
moved to Kolkata and
I never visited
Kolkata so far. This
time, I made up mind
to have a trip to
Kolkata and see the
city with my own
eyes. I had taken a
leave from work and I
flown to the City Of
It was 2012 when I
first set my feet in the
City of Joy, Kolkata.
When I was traveling
to Kolkata, I had in
my mind to meet my
parents. I needed a
break from my work
and so I thought to
have a quality time
with my parents and
with the city. I never
thought the city,
Kolkata, will leave an
indelible impression
in my mind.
After a long time,
when I met my
parents, their joys
were knew no bounds
and so was mine.
After staying for few
days, I was thinking
to go out and explore
the city. Parents had
to attend a social
event. So, I could not
tell them to join me. I
was new to the city,
hence, could not
gather courage to
explore the city all by
myself. Undoubtedly,
Kolkata has
breathtaking travel
spots. But, I was
looking for a place
where there will be
less or no crowd at
all. I wanted to be in
JUNE 2018