Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue | Page 37
km away, turned out
to be the best leg of
the journey. Maybe it
was because the
whole stretch was
extremely beautiful
or because we were
witnessing nature in
its rawest form, so
untouched with the
greed of humanity.
Maybe it was
because we were
much more relaxed.
We will never know.
The road turning on
the back of
JUNE 2018
the truck drivers who
allowed you to overtake
them so easily, the
deepest light blue sky
and the darkest green
trees, the cleanest
breaths of air, and the
Beas that began
accompanying us from
Mandi traveled with us
till Manali.
After crossing Kullu,
we were a mere 45 km
short of Manali.
The snow-topped
mountains peep every
now and then. There
are little villages with
wooden houses
characteristic to Kullu
valley, handloom
shawl shops and