Storizen Magazine August 2018 Issue | Chiranjiv Patel VI | Page 54

STORIZEN   INTERVIEW AUTHOR INTERVIEWS Life and the path you choose always demands and claims its pound of flesh. I graduated in Life Science from Bombay University and decided to stay on here. I was working with an Ad Agency as a Trainee Copywriter while I was in college. While waiting for my Final Year results, I responded to an ad calling for a Sub Editor for Magna Publishing, which published Stardust Magazine. Within a few months, I was editing the magazine, due to sheer luck and 54 | being there at the script, we were Anuradha Prasad with her book right time. As a film shooting the first 'Coming Back Home' journalist, I met with schedule of the film. many film people including directors I wasn’t a movie writers. I was told buff and as a child, that I should my brothers and I consider would hardly watch screenwriting, after any films, maybe I shared some of once a year, if that. my personal writing, But as I wrote which included scripts and short stories and expressed myself in poems with them. I screen craft, I met Sanjay began to fall in love Bhansali through a with movies. friend What are your VikramMotwane, expectations from this who had just book? How long did the finished assisting entire process take: Sanjay on Devdas. from conceiving the Sanjay and I got idea to weaving the along brilliantly from plots to writing, editing the moment we and publishing the met. Within ten book? How would you months of our describe the entire meeting, not only process? Was it a did we have a fulfilling one? STORIZEN MAGAZINE AUGUST 2018