Storizen Magazine August 2018 Issue | Chiranjiv Patel VI | Page 49
Can you tell us
about your book,
Anon? What is it
all about?
‘Anon.’ – the
abbreviation of
‘Anonymous’ that
every English
reader is familiar
with as the name
appearing alongside
works of unknown
parentage, is a
imagined story of
two writers in India
whose lives and
destinies are
Anon. is a story that
deals with the lives,
aspirations and the
minds of artists, a
story that looks into
their fears and
phobias, their
jealousies and their
demons, a story
that gently and with
uncovers what
drives them, what
destroys them, their
methods, their
relationship with the
art they create.
Anon. is an insight
into what makes an
artist, his mind, his
method and his
madness. It talks
about the world of
writers, of a world
where Word is God.
It delves into the
strange relationship
that authors have
with their creations,
their stories, the
journey they
embark upon, the
depths they plunge
into and the
triumphs they rise
to in their process
of creation.
Through Anon., one
also wishes ask a
few questions about
the ownership of
any creation. What
is the answer to the
burning question –
how do you prove
who created this
piece of art? Can
the artist do that? Is
there a paternity
test to validate the
parentage of
‘Hamlet’ to William
Shakespeare or
‘Sunflowers’ to Van
Gogh or ‘David’ to
Michelangelo or
‘Bolero’ to Ravel?
Can an artist really
claim ownership to
his art? Or is he
merely a med