Storizen Magazine August 2018 Issue | Chiranjiv Patel VI | Page 43

STORIZEN SPECIAL A news article can include accounts of eyewitnesses to the happening event. It can contain photographs. Today with evolution of technologies and gadgets like microwaves, washing machines, mixers, juicers etc. life has become easier and women can afford to have sometime for themselves. Women are realizing importance of being happy and are now more independent, confident, innovative and aware. Even as home- maker, I see many women taking care of their fitness (gym, Zumba) and hobbies such as singing, painting, dancing etc. Basically, taking time for themselves to ensure their well -being and happiness. With changing times, work places have also become more inclusive now and help women continue with work post their maternity breaks etc. by providing work from home or flexi options. Thus, making women careers more fulfilling & satisfying. They are able attain a perfect work life balance and enjoy their motherhood/womanhood along with work. Corporates have a big role in ensuring that women can continue work even through many changes that happen in their lives. Conductive policies, a mindset and culture that supports men and women equally, are key. I am blessed to work for such an organization who not only supports employees to attain work life balance, it also Today with evolution of technologies and gadgets like microwaves, washing machines, mixers, juicers etc. life has become easier and women can afford to have sometime for themselves. AUGUST 2018 STORIZEN MAGAZINE | 43