STORIZENCONTRIBUTE downright applicable in real time . In relationships we hold some dear siblings very close , bracketing them within our inner-most circle . As we move on the curve of life , the circle of family members keeps multiplying . It is during the time we spend together , we either bond or keeping spatial awareness in mind , we maintain a respectable distance , trying to keep the hedge green .
The addition of relatives in life helps in keeping the roots of the family tree strong . Those who create negativity in family ought to be given an extra dose of serotonin so that , with the happy hormones , they are pacified . Once bad vibes are subtracted , peace reigns in the circle of love instead of letting it go into pieces .
As I type the ode to my siblings and dear cousins , I ruminate and smile because of their craziness . I laugh because there is nothing I can do except love them like they love me , with acne , warts and all quirks . I am enveloped by sadness also ; having been on the cusp of a robust joint family earlier , now down to a whittled , ultra-thin , almost zero sized nuclear families ( on a non-gluten diet ) in present times . Life ’ s action is more on various