Storizen Magazin July 2018 issue Storizen Magazine July 2018 Issue | Page 44
Government authorities
there but the office of
these authorities is
open for a short time,
allowing very little
opportunity for a tourist
to get the permits and
also be able to go
around places of
interest. For an island
where most of the
people derive their
livelihood through
tourism, the
inconvenience caused
to tourists by way of
timings like this comes
across as a stark
Another thing that
comes as stark is the
extremely loud music
that plays in public
transport buses on the
island. Making a
mockery of any civic
sense that can be there,
the buses play music
loud enough for people
living in neighboring
Indonesia, Myanmar
and Sri Lanka to enjoy.
One may also be
surprised with that fact
that locals travel long as
7-8 hours in ferries from
one island to another
carrying live chicken in
their handbags to offer
their relatives or friends.
Among all these traits of
the place comes the
uique features of nature
that an be found on the
islands like the
Barataang caves that
have been formed by
limestone stalactites
and stalagmites that
shine and even glow at
JULY 2018