Storizen Magazin July 2018 issue Storizen Magazine July 2018 Issue | Page 32
on the isle – a
shared minivan to
visit the coves on
the other side of the
island as well as a
temple with a giant
turtle and laughing
Buddha atop a
hillock. The fresh
seafood and the
chilled coconut
water served in a
shaved king
coconut were
delicious after a
hectic day on the
beach. A quick trip
on a glass-bottom
boat gave us a
glimpse of the
colourful marine life
of the coral reef
without having to
dive or snorkel,
although both
activities as well as
speed boat and
water scooter rides
and water-skiing
were on offer at
very reasonable
rates. The Bhat-
Rupees rate was a
blessing! Onshore
that evening we
enjoyed the risqué
Tiffany Variety
Show with trans-
women and found it
to be more
spectacular than the
Parisian can-can &
cabaret shows!
Although visiting
two cities and a
district is barely
scratching the
surface o f Thailand
it was phenomenal
It ensures that we
will definitely be
going back to see
other places like
Chiang Mai and
Phuket to start!
Raakhee Suryaprakash is a Chennai based writer,
editor and analyst. She has a master’s degree in
International Studies and an undergraduate degree
in Chemistry, Raakhee is associated with civil
society organizations such as the Red Elephant
Foundation, Chennai Centre for China Studies &
Climate Tracker. Her short stories and articles has
been published widely both in print and online
JULY 2018