Storizen Magazin July 2018 issue Storizen Magazine July 2018 Issue | Page 11

COVER STORY It's never easy to move on when you have fallen in love so deeply. I am an emotional person, so you can guess, how many times and how much I cried with no clue of being an author. It's all good luck from someone I loved most in my life. How difficult is it to relive your pained past while writing a book based on real- life incident? It's easy when you are in pain because you release it but it becomes tougher when you are moved on by time and then remembering those memories. That's worst. JULY 2018 You started by selling the copies of your book on Mumbai streets. What was your experience? At any point, you felt like giving up? I was always an introvert, so for me, it was a crazy thing to do, but you know, you do every damn thing to just to make you believe that your life is never a shit. It happened that way. You write on Romance, any other genre you tried or would like to try? Small correction, it's inspirational romance, which is a combination of self- help plus story of your life which you still remember. I just give a different perspective to think. I tell stories which are your stories, which are stories of people I love. So lots many things to write before I think, what I need to write. Probably, then it I'll think, about what I am good at. So many romance novels hit the stands every month. What still keeps you going in this genre? Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want I'll always be what I was (before the book). I write what I see and feel. If my books are changed in future, probably we need to ask ourselves - have we evolved over a period. STORIZEN MAGAZINE | 11