Stories Oct, 2013 | Page 27

"Yes, very nice." "What a small egg-spoon you must have! Wouldn't it be better to keep hens, and get bigger eggs?" "How should I feed them, though?" "I see," said the princess. "The pigeons feed themselves. They've got wings." "Just so. If they couldn't fly, I couldn't eat their eggs." "But how do you get at the eggs? Where are their nests?" The lady took hold of a little loop of string in the wall at the side of the door, and lifting a shutter showed a great many pigeon-holes with nests, some with young ones and some with eggs in them. The birds came in at the other side, and she took out the eggs on this side. She closed it again quickly, lest the young ones should be frightened. "Oh what a nice way!" cried the princess. "Will you give me an egg to eat? I'm rather hungry." Madhuri Noah C:\Users\MNoah\Documents\The Princess and the Goblin1.docx Page 26 of 634