Sexual Abuse Awareness Training
Sexual Abuse Awareness Training is the foundation of the safety system , because we cannot address a risk we do not understand . At the core of an effective safety system is this reality : what we believe shapes what we DO . Sexual Abuse Awareness Training changes what we believe . Prevention starts with awareness .
Awareness Training equips staff members and volunteers with a better understanding of abuser characteristics , the abuser ’ s grooming process and common grooming behaviors . Awareness Training equips ministry workers with ‘ eyes to see ’ such that they might recognize abuser characteristics and behaviors . Critical training topics include :
• Facts and misconceptions
• Common abuser characteristics
• The abuser ’ s grooming process
• Common grooming behaviors
• Peer-to-peer abuse
• Short- and long-term impacts of abuse
• Reporting requirements
Further , what we believe shapes what we SAY . When staff members and volunteers are trained to understand grooming behaviors , all are better equipped to receive and report allegations and suspicions of abuse , both internally and to appropriate civil authorities .
Skillful Screening
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior . Screening is the process by which ministry leaders gather information about an applicant ’ s past behavior to best develop expectations regarding future behavior . An effective screening process typically includes : application , reference checks , criminal background check and an interview .
Commonly , ministries screen applicants for fitness for purpose — gathering information about an applicant ’ s past behavior to determine whether he or she has the skills , abilities and education to fill a particular role . For example , if a school desires to hire a Greek teacher , it is important to gather information to determine whether the applicant has mastered Greek and can effectively teach it . In this example , the school ’ s purpose for screening was related to fitness for purpose ( teaching Greek ), not child safety .
Screening for child safety requires the gathering of information concerning an applicant ’ s past behavior to determine if the applicant has ‘ wolf-like qualities .’ Where child safety is concerned , an effective screening process includes questions designed to elicit high-risk indicators of the preferential offender ( male and female ).
Every applicant — paid or unpaid — should be screened before that applicant may gain access to children . The goal : keep the wolf out of the sheep pen .
Tragically , many ministries are not screening effectively . In fact , many churches are not screening at all .
Because the screening element of an effective safety system is complex , it will be handled in greater detail in our next article .

“ Sexual abusers go to where the barriers are lowest or do not exist . Too often , the Church is where the barriers are lowest .

Criminal Background Check
Most ministries require criminal background checks ; however , these often are the sole effort to screen for child safety . This is because ministry leaders lack any real understanding of the realities of the criminal justice system and the known limitations of criminal background checks .
Consider this statistic : Less than 10 % of sexual abusers will encounter the criminal justice system , ever .
Given this reality , even if a ministry ’ s background check system is working perfectly ( which is unlikely ), more than 90 % of individuals who have sexually abused children have no past criminal record ... and they know it . So , while making a reasonable effort to access past criminal history has become a standard of care , background checks cannot serve as a standalone safety effort .
Background checks can be a helpful tool when used effectively , however . For each staff member or volunteer , the depth of criminal background check should be determined by the extent of direct contact with children . In addition , background checks should be periodically refreshed .
To become informed consumers , ministry leaders have much to learn about criminal background checks . A subsequent article will discuss criminal background checks in greater detail , providing information about often overlooked high-risk indicators : plea-down offenses , stairstep offenses , grooming offenses , and more . churchexecutive . com STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE • CHURCH EXECUTIVE 7