While it ’ s incomprehensible why offenders sexually abuse children , it ’ s easy to understand why offenders seek access to children where the barriers of protection are lowest . Sadly , this is often the Church , which commonly lacks any real understanding of sexual abuse risk .

This begs the question : Where do Student Ministers tend to get training , and are current avenues of instruction adequate ? Are Student Ministers currently receiving excellent training concerning sexual abuse risk from seminaries or Student Ministry conferences ?
Seminaries / Christian Colleges Many seminaries and Christian colleges are currently using Sexual Abuse Awareness Training as an element of orientation or requirement for graduation . Awareness Training provides an excellent first step , but deeper instruction is necessary to effectively protect children in the Church . A handful of seminaries and Christian colleges are currently offering or requiring MinistrySafe Institute , seminary-level material aimed at vocational ministry professionals who desire educational resources at a deeper , more comprehensive level . Created to equip ministry leaders with an understanding of the issues and how to best navigate through them , MinistrySafe Institute provides instruction encompassing these topics :
• Understanding Sexual Abuse in Ministry Contexts
• Creating an Effective Safety System
• Skillful Screening Processes and Training
• Abuse Reporting Requirements
• Allegations of Sexual Abuse — Preparation and Response Plan
• Changes in the law
• Models of Care — Child Victim and Adult Survivor
Conferences and Seminars For professional development and continuing education , ministry leaders attend conferences , seminars and workshops . Student Ministers rarely attend conferences , workshops or seminars dedicated to child sexual abuse prevention . They do , however , attend national and regional Student Ministry conferences , including Orange , D6 , Summit , Legacy Youth Leadership , Drive Conference , Global Leadership Summit , National Youth Workers Convention ( Youth Specialties ) and more . Few conferences offer breakout sessions related to sexual abuse risk and risk management resources — notwithstanding the reality that Student Ministry creates a high-risk environment . Fewer still have offered main-stage presentations on the importance of child protection and abuse prevention . In the past , various presentations have focused on Sex Trafficking ... but not Sexual Abuse . These topics address two significantly distinct issues , and sexual abuse is a risk occurring within Student Ministry . In short , where this risk is concerned , Student Ministers are not currently well-resourced by conferences .
Online Resources — MinistrySafe and Download Youth Ministry ( DYM ) MinistrySafe delivers comprehensive Safety System elements and instruction for ministry programs , including Student Ministry . Download Youth Ministry ( DYM ) provides an online marketplace designed to give Student Ministers access to a wide range of resources , including Bible studies , skits , icebreaker activities , themes , music playlists and much more . MinistrySafe has coordinated with DYM to provide state-of-the-art resources through the DYM Student Ministry marketplace . This synthesis of resources was supported by invaluable guidance from The Forge Associates , a consulting organization made up of former Student Ministry professionals .
Camp Organizations Christian camp organizations are ahead of the curve in providing effective child protection training . Thousands of college students serve as camp counselors every summer , and many of these camp counselors serve local churches in middle school and high school ministry . As camp counselors , these young men and women undergo screening , complete training , learn state reporting requirements , and comply with defined policies addressing sexual abuse risk . Camps with proactive child protection training , screening protocols and policy expressions include , among others : Sky Ranch , WinShape , Glorieta , Trout Lake , Twin Lakes , Camp Eagle , Camp Jon Marc , and Ridgecrest .
At Sky Ranch , we provide a safe and fun experience for thousands of children each year . We are committed to the enrichment of children AND our staff . We invest a great deal into our staff to shape them as young adults . Equipping them with information about sexual abuse helps protect our campers ... but also helps our staff grow into the roles they will fill in the Kingdom as ministry leaders and parents .
— John Morgan , Sky Ranch Vice President of Ministry Programs
In 2014 , the Christian Camp and Conference Association ( CCCA ) began a concerted effort to prioritize sexual abuse resources and training for member camps in North America . Other organizations offering camp programming — such as Christ In Youth ( CIY ), Reformed Youth Ministry ( RYM ) and Youth with a Mission ( YWAM ) — are deeply committed to protecting children from sexual abuse . The equipping provided by Christian camps remains truly invaluable , providing an introduction to sexual abuse risk and child protection .
RAISING THE BAR IN STUDENT MINISTRY Child sexual abuse risk can be a minefield for churches and ministry organizations , and ministry leaders will never accidentally get this right . Instead , churches must raise the bar in Student Ministry , where intrinsic risk is higher . Raising the bar requires access to excellent training , resources and guidance , but it begins with prioritizing the need .
Kimberlee D . Norris and Gregory S . Love are partners in the Fort Worth , Texas law firm of Love & Norris [ https :// www . lovenorris . com ] and founders of MinistrySafe [ https :// ministrysafe . com ], providing child sexual abuse expertise to ministries worldwide . After representing victims of child sexual abuse for more than two decades , Love and Norris saw recurring , predictable patterns in predatory behavior . MinistrySafe grew out of their desire to place proactive tools into the hands of ministry professionals . Love and Norris teach the only graduate-level course on Preventing Sexual Abuse in Ministry Contexts as Visiting Faculty at Dallas Theological Seminary .