SEMINARY COURSEWORK As early as 2004 , we began teaching in seminaries around the country . Many of these teaching opportunities were one or more class sessions within a course ( i . e ., Church Administration , Youth Ministry , Children ’ s Ministry , Church Development ). With this time limitation , only a basic introduction of the risk was possible , convincing seminary students ( and faculty ) that child sexual abuse is real , relevant in Christbased environments , and not merely a ‘ Catholic problem ’. Students needed more .
DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY : FIRST IN CLASS In 2015 , Dallas Theological Seminary ( DTS ) was the first to recognize the need for a comprehensive course specifically targeting child sexual abuse risk . After various class sessions and trainings , Dean ( now president ) Mark Yarbrough and President ( now Chancellor ) Dr . Mark Bailey recognized a need to effectively equip students and faculty with sexual abuse awareness and training . DTS leaders believed that every student — regardless of degree plan — should have a basic understanding of sexual abuse risk , regardless of subsequent ministry position ( whether missions , counseling , children ’ s ministry or administration ). By Fall 2015 , DTS required every student to complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training . In Spring 2017 , DTS offered a comprehensive 3-hour credit course limited to sexual abuse prevention and risk arising in ministry contexts . Offered each Spring since 2017 , the course includes more than 16 hours of pre-recorded lecture content from sexual abuse experts , including preventative protocols , effective screening practices , child protection policy provisions and an appropriate model of care for abuse survivors . DTS is an example of a seminary embracing the challenge of confronting child sexual abuse risk and appropriate response ; others have risen to the challenge , as well .
SOUTHERN SEMINARY : RAISING THE BAR While DTS was the first to create a dedicated course , Southern Baptist Theological Seminary ( SBTS ), the largest seminary in the United States , quickly followed suit with initiatives of its own .
Seminary Solutions — MinistrySafe Institute
Recognizing the need to provide training and instruction confronting sexual abuse risk , SBTS leaders created a requirement that every Southern student — regardless of degree plan — must complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training . Southern sought to instill the value of abuse prevention in its students early , beginning at new student orientation .
To provide a more comprehensive evaluation of sexual abuse risk , MinistrySafe and Dallas Theological Seminary collaborated to create the first 3-hour graduate-level course — “ Preventing Sexual Abuse in the Church ” — offered every Spring semester since 2017 . The course includes more than 16 hours of pre-recorded content , provided through Canvas in seven modules , including :
• Understanding Sexual Abuse Risk in Ministry Contexts
• Creating an Effective Safety System
• Skillful Screening Processes and Training ™
• Abuse Reporting Requirements
• Allegations — Preparation and Response Plans
• Legislation Related to Sexual Abuse / Changes in the Law
• A Model of Care for Abuse Survivors
The training content forming the basis of this course is now available through MinistrySafe Institute , or MSI [ ministrysafeinstitute . com ]. MSI materials may be integrated into academic environments as a standalone course or used within an existing course . From a technical standpoint , MSI provides a Learning Tools Interoperability ( LTI ) -Compliant Tool easily delivered through LTI-Compliant Platforms ( i . e ., Canvas , Moodle , Blackboard , and so on ). In addition , MSI is available to current ministry staff members through the MinistrySafe control panel ( for MinistrySafe members ) or independently at MinistrySafeInstitute . com .
In addition , every faculty and staff member is required to complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training . Leading the way , SBTS President Dr . Albert Mohler was the first to complete training . Furthermore , Southern pursued additional training to equip students to minister to abuse survivors , offering both extracurricular and curricular training . In 2018 , Southern dedicated its Counsel the Word conference to child sexual abuse prevention and care for abuse survivors . The conference equipped and discussed healing strategies . In the Equip program , guest speaker Ellen Dykas provided guidance in strategies for provision of care for abuse survivors . Additionally , a dedicated course addressing crisis and trauma counseling was added to Southern ’ s
® requirements for an M . A . in Biblical Counseling .
With campuses in five states , a Global Campus and three extensions , Reformed Theological Seminary requires that all faculty , staff and students complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training upon hire or before graduation . As the first to complete training , RTS Chancellor and CEO Dr . Ligon Duncan lead by example , saying , “ As shepherds we must be up to speed on this issue as we guard the flock . We must be faithful to this part of our calling .”
In 2018 , Rockbridge Seminary began offering Sexual Abuse Awareness Training to all staff , faculty , board of trustee members , advisory council members and students . Rockbridge alumni provide financial support for these child protection initiatives .
Bob Jones University ( BJU ) and Bob Jones Seminary were the first academic institutions to require campus-wide Sexual Abuse Awareness Training . Beginning in Fall 2014 , BJU has required all students , faculty and staff to attend live , on-campus Awareness Training provided by myself ( Greg Love , founder and Director of MinistrySafe ).
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary requires all faculty and staff to complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training , as well as all incoming students .
Gateway Seminary and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary require all students and faculty to complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training .
Dallas Baptist University requires all graduate-level students to complete MinistrySafe Institute , comprehensive online coursework , prior to graduation . See sidebar above , left churchexecutive . com STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE • CHURCH EXECUTIVE 37