Stone Update Media Planner 2019 | Page 7

Advertising Standard 1/3 Page displays appear between two areas of editorial content, primarily with news items (like the Slot ads of 2018). 1/3 PAGE & SPOTLIGHT Dimensions 800 pixels vertical 400 pixels horizontal Resolution 72 ppi Spotlight displays are shown 3-up per page and appear after all feature articles and before columns/departments in each issue. DIRECTORY Dimensions 300 pixels horizontal 250 pixels vertical (regular) 800 pixels vertical (Jumbo) Resolution 72 ppi Placed in our special B2B section, Directory displays are in a four- column format. Regular sizes are stacked up to 3 units tall per column; Jumbos fill one column. All display placements, including Directory, are included in each issue's Advertising Index. What Happens on Tablets and Smartphones? Due to our dynamic online layout, ads don't shrink away. Our publishing servers detect smaller screens and rearrange layouts to keep all elements as large as possible. Ads remain prominent and readable ... in fact, go to and see for yourself! More information? CallĀ 760-424-2121. [email protected]