Stone Update Media Kit 2018 | Page 10

E-NEWSLETTER $450 per issue includes: One (1) Email Alert Leaderboard (720 px X 90 px) plus One (1) BONUS E-Newsletter Prime Box (300 px X 250 px) Placements include one leaderboard for the email alert, and one prime box in the e-newspaper. Discounts will be given for multiple-issue placement of ads, with a three-issue minimum. Animated GIF files are allowed with 45-second maximum duration. Animation may not be compatible with all email-client software programs employed by users. Flash-based ads are not accepted. Terms and special rates given for multiple-issue placements. Single-issue placements are payable in advance. Publisher has the right to review and decline any advertisements presented for publication. Content is the responsibility of the advertiser, and the publisher is not responsible for any claims or statementsmade in the advertisements. Special pricing on magazine / website / e-newsletter combination buys!    Contact us at 760-424-2121.