How to empower the Editorial Board and
give a new impetus to its activity: how to
increase its quality, number of readers, and
the way to go
DDS, MSc, PhD, Professor
Dear readers,
Now, when the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) has reached five years of publication, let me confess that
approaching the most important national and international personalities in the field of research, education and
dental practice was not a simple and barrier-free undertaking. By allowing your names to be associated with the
Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J), you might have thought of the words uttered by Educator, Civil Rights
Activist and advisor to United States presidents, Booker Taliaferro Washington (1856-1915): "If you want to lift
yourself up, lift up someone else."
I am deeply satisfied to tell you that via the presence of your consequential names the Stomatology Edu Journal
(Stoma Edu J) managed to overcome the critical mass of its potential readers, the over 85,000 dentists in the
Central and Eastern European countries. Indeed, the 2013 census indicated there were 85,000 dentists, and, even
though there has been an increase in number by a few thousand, despite the constant migration to the Western
European countries, by May 2018 the magazine has been accessed by more than 145,500 readers, the difference
being accounted for by readers in the United States, Great Britain, China, South Korea, India, Germany, Morocco,
France, Seychelles, Greece, Turkey, Brazil, Austria, Honduras, Italy, Canada, Belize, Malaysia, United Arab
Emirates and so on [1].
Overcoming the critical addressability figure is due to several assets accumulated over the five years that have
increased the visibility of Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J), namely:
- constantly increasing the quality of the articles published as a result of the demanding work by the team of
reviewers coordinated by Professor Emeritus, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, from the Ohio State University, Columbus,
USA, Reviewer-in-Chief, joined by a series of the prestigious Academic Editors since 2017;
- regular access granted by the American Dental Association, ADA, to our readers since the first 2017 issue
to an article per issue with CE Program FAQs courtesy of Professor Michael Glick, Journal of The American
Dental Association Editor, JADA, Mr. Michael Springer, Publisher, JADA, Mr. Nawin Gupta, Director of Business
Operations, ADA and Mrs Stefanie K. Jewell-Thomas, Elsevier;
- the Crossref allocation of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) since 2017 to a unique alphanumeric string, and the
DOI identification will be retrospectively attributed to all articles published starting with the first number;
- as of 2017, adding active links from PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus to all references in the articles published
alongside the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) so as to join the quoted publications circuit;
- positioning the magazine in significant databases such as: [2], InfoBase Index [3], Google Scholar
[4], SHERPA/RoMEO [5], National Library of Medicine (NLM) [6].
Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(2): 8-12.