Jean-François Roulet DDS , PhD , Dr hc , Prof hc , Professor Department of Restorative Dental Science College of Dentistry University of Florida Gainesville , FL , USA
Deputy Editors-in-Chief
Adrian Bejan Eng , PhD J . A . Jones Distinguished Professor , Acad ( AR ) Mechanical Engineering Faculty Duke University , Durham , NC , USA
Co-Editors-in-Chief ( Americas )
Hom-Lay Wang DDS , MSD , PhD Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine University of Michigan , School of Dentistry Ann Arbor , MI , USA
Co-Editors-in-Chief ( Europe )
Nicoleta Ilie Dipl-Eng , PhD , Professor Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology , Faculty of Medicine Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München München , Germany
Co-Editors-in-Chief ( Asia-Pacific )
Lakshman Perera Samaranayake DSc ( hc ), DDS ( Glas ), DSRCSE ( hon ) FRCPath ( UK ), FRACDS ( hon ) Professor , Department of Oral Microbiomics and Infection , Head , School of Dental Medicine University of Queensland Brisbane , Australia
Senior Editors
Bruce R . Donoff DMD , MD Professor , Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dean , Harvard School of Dental Medicine Harvard University Boston , MA , USA
Emeritus Editors-in-Chief
Birte Melsen , DDS , Dr Odont Professor , Aarhus University Aarhus , Denmark
Associate Editors-in-Chief
Mariano Sanz Alonso , DDS , MSD , PhD , Professor Complutense University of Madrid Madrid , Spain
Radu Septimiu Câmpian , DMD , MD , Professor Dean , “ Iuliu Hațieganu ” University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Cluj-Napoca , Romania
Sergiu Ciobanu , DDS , PhD , Profesor , Dean , “ Nicolae Testemițanu ” State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Chişinău , Moldova
François Duret , DDS , DSO , PhD , MS , MD , PhD Professor , Acad ( ANCD ), University of Montpellier Montpellier , France
Michael Frank , DDS , PhD ERO President Elect , President Dental Chamber Hesse Frankfurt am Main , Germany
Luigi M Gallo , PhD , Dr Eng , MEng Professor and Chairman , University of Zürich Zürich , Switzerland
Maria Greabu , MD , PhD “ Carol Davila ” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest , Bucharest , Romania
Rolf Ewers MD , DMD , PhD , Professor and Chairman em . University Hospital for Cranio- Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Medical University of Vienna Vienna , Austria
Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviște MD , PhD Professor , Acad ( AR ), Faculty of Medicine “ Carol Davila ” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest , Romania
Mauro Marincola MD , DDS Clinical Professor State University of Cartagena Cartagena , Colombia
Alexandre Mersel DDS , PhD Professor , Director FDI Europe Geneva-Cointrin , Switzerland
Hiroshi Ogawa DDS , MDSc , PhD Associate Professor Department of Oral Health Science Graduate Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Niigata University Niigata , Japan
Adrian Podoleanu Eng , PhD , Professor , FInstP , FOSA , FSPIE Professor of Biomedical Optics , Head of the Applied Optics Group , School of Physical Sciences University of Kent , Canterbury Kent , UK
Prathip Phantumvanit , DDS , MS , FRCDT Professor , Thammasat University Bangkok , Thailand
Julian B . Woelfel , DDS , FACD , FICD Professor Emeritus , The Ohio State University Columbus , USA (†)
Peter Hermann , DMD , MSc , PhD Professor and Head , Vice-Rector , Semmelweis University Budapest , Hungary
Ecaterina Ionescu , DDS , PhD , Professor Vice-Rector , “ Carol Davila ” University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Bucharest , Romania
Vjekoslav Jerolimov , DDS , PhD Acad ( CASA ), University of Zagreb Zagreb , Croatia
Veronica Mercuţ , DMD , PhD , Professor , Dean University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova Dolj , Romania
Georg B . Meyer , DMD , PhD , Dr hc Professor and Chairman , Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University , Greifswald , Germany
Rade D . Paravina , DDS , MS , PhD , Professor Director , University of Texas , Houston , TX , USA
Poul Erik Petersen , DDS , Dr Odont , BA , MSc Professor , WHO Senior Consultant University of Copenhagen , Denmark
Marian-Vladimir Constantinescu DDS , MSc , PhD , Professor Department of Prosthetic Dentistry Faculty of Dental Medicine “ Carol Davila ” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest , Romania
Gabriel Octavian Lazăr CPhys , PhD Professor , Faculty of Engineering “ Vasile Alecsandri ” University of Bacău Bacău , Romania
George E . Romanos DDS , PhD , DMD Professor , Department of Periodontology School of Dental Medicine Stony Brook University Stony Brook , NY , USA
Constantinus Politis MD , DDS , MM , MHA , PhD Professor and Chairperson , Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery , Faculty of Medicine University of Leuven Leuven , Belgium
Mahesh Verma BDS , MDS , MBA , FAMS , FDSRCS ( England ), FDSRCPSG ( Glasgow ), FDSRCS ( Edinburgh ), PhD ( HC ) Professor , Department of Prosthodontics Director – Principal Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences New Delhi , India
David Wray MD ( Honours ), BDS , MB ChB , FDS , RCPS ( Glasgow ) FDS RCS ( Edinburgh ) F Med Sci , Professor Emeritus Professor , Department of Oral Medicine Dental School , University of Glasgow Glasgow , UK
Rudolf Slavicek , MD , DMD Professor , Medical University of Vienna Vienna , Austria
Gottfried Schmalz , DDS , PhD , Dr hc , Professor Acad ( Leopoldina ), University of Regensburg Regensburg , Germany
Anton Sculean , DMD , Dr hc , MS , Professor University of Bern Bern , Switzerland
Igor Alexandrovici Shugailov , MD , PhD , Professor Vice-Rector , “ A . I . Evdokimov ” Moscow State University of Medicine and Stomatology , Moscow , Russia
Adam Stabholz , DDS , PhD , Professor Head The Hebrew University-Hadassah Jerusalem , Israel
Jon B Suzuki , DDS , PhD , MBA , Professor Associate Dean , Temple University Philadelphia , PA , USA
Jacques Vanobbergen , MDS , PhD , Professor Em . Professor and Chairman , Gent University Gent , Belgium
Yongsheng Zhou , DDS , PhD , Chair and Professor Associate Dean , Peking University Beijing , China