StomatologyEduJ 5(1) SEJ_5_1 | Page 66

Author ’ s Guidelines

1 . Submitting the Article The journal publishes articles written in English . All articles will be accompanied by the signed copyright form which can be returned by e-mail , fax ( as scanned documents ). All the responsibility for the originality of the material sent belongs to the author ( s ) alone . Each article will be evaluated by the peer-review committee composed of two independent peer-reviewers , in a blinded fashion , according to the peer-review protocol . All articles will be sent to the editor-in-chief at the following e-mail address : stomatology . edu @ gmail . com . The articles will also be sent at the e-mail address of the co-editors-in-chief from your area ( Americas , Europe , Asia-Pacific ).
2 . Articles sent for publishing Stomatology Edu Journal ( Stoma Edu J ) publishes : - original articles ; - reviews ; - case reports ; - consensus declaration coming from an association or from a group of specialists ; - letters to the editor . All articles must be up to 3,000 and 5,000 words for metaanalysis ( the word count is for the manuscript text only ). Letters to the editor must not exceed 400 words of text and have no more than 3 authors . Letters to the editor can be related to an article already published in the journal or it can represent original scientific contributions or events news / presentations etc . of interest for the reader . If , following the peer-review process , the article requires only minor changes ( language changes etc .) then the manuscript is accepted for publication in its revised form without further input from the author . In case the changes are considered more important ( scientific errors or an incorrect use of the language that can affect the quality of the scientific message ) the author will be contacted by a member of the editorial committee and it will only be published after he approves the changes considered necessary by the peer reviewers . In some cases , based on the written approval of the author ( s ), the peer-reviewers and the chief-editor or the publisher the article may be published alongside the comments of the reviewer ( s ).
3 . Authors Each author must be able to prove his active participation in the study by contributing to the concept , protocol , data gathering or analysis , their interpretation or by critically revising the manuscript . Any other persons who have contributed to the paper , like study participants or colleagues , will be mentioned in the “ Contribution ” section .
4 . Permissions and Ethics For citations , tables , figures etc . which are not original , these must be accompanied by the written permission for their use and the full reference must be provided . Photographs of identifiable persons must be sent alongside the written permission of the person ( s ) and all regions that may allow the identification of the subject must be covered . The author must have obtained , for all studies including human subjects , the permission of the subjects to be part of the study whilst keeping their anonymity . By sending the article , the author declares that he obtained this permission from all his subjects . All studies must respect the Helsinki Declaration ( 1975 ). For human and animal studies , the authors must have obtained the approval of the ethics committee from the University / Institute / etc . where the study was done . 5 . Writing the article
The article must be written in conformity with the general recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors . http :// www . icmje . org / icmjerecommendations . pdf The Stomatology Edu Journal ( Stoma Edu J ) uses doubleblind review , which means that both the reviewer and author name ( s ) are not allowed to be revealed to one another for a manuscript under review . The identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers , and vice versa . To facilitate this , please include the following separately : Title page ( with author details ): This should include the title , authors ' names and affiliations , and a complete address for the corresponding author including an e-mail address . Blinded manuscript ( no author details ): The main body of the paper ( including the references , figures , tables and any Acknowledgements ) should not include any identifying information , such as the authors ' names or affiliations . The articles must be sent either as a Microsoft Word 2000 document (*. doc ) or as a Microsoft Word 2003 document (*. docx ). The article will be written using Times New Roman font , size 12 for the characters with one and half ( 1 1 / 2 ) spaces between paragraphs . The manuscript must be sent in its final form . The pages will be numbered with the manuscript containing the following sections : title , authors , abstract , keywords , the text of article , contributions , acknowledgments , references , the figures and the tables legend . Please also check the Author ’ s Guidelines for the Abstract . A . The title of the manuscript will have a maximum of 100 characters without spaces , written in title case , centered capitals , and in 12 point bold Times New Roman font at the top of page . Abbreviations should be avoided within the title . B . The author ( s ) will send their full name ( s ) and surname ( s ), the highest academic position , their full titles and their affiliations . All names are listed together and separated by commas . Provide exact and correct author names as these will be indexed in official archives . Affiliations should be keyed to the author ' s name with superscript numbers and be listed as follows : Laboratory , Department , Institute , Organization , City , State abbreviation ( USA , Canada , Australia ), and Country ( without detailed address information such as city zip codes or street names ). The correspondent author will send his / her full name and surname , the highest academic position , his / her full title , his / her affiliation , his / her institution address , his / her telephone , fax and e-mail . The authors will send this information in the same format as that in the published articles . C . The Structured Abstract The abstract can have a maximum of 250 words . After the abstract , the author ( s ) must mention a maximum of 5 keywords . Keywords must be selected from Medline Mesh . The abstract for Original Scientific Articles should be no more than 250 words using the following structure : Introduction ; Methodology ; Results ; Conclusion . The abstract for Review Articles should be no more than 250 words with the authors covering all the following information regarding the subject presented under the following subheadings : Background , Objective , Data Sources , Study Selection , Data Extraction , Data Synthesis . The abstract for Case Reports should be no more than 250 words using the following structure : Aim , Summary and Key learning points : provide up to 5 short statements of the report . The abstract for Clinical Articles should be no more than 250 words using the following structure : Aim ,


Stoma Edu J . 2018 ; 5 ( 1 ): 64-65 http :// www . stomaeduj . com