STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2017, Volume 4, Issue 2 2 | Page 48

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Mihaela Florina Loredana COJANU DMD, DMSc, Teaching Assistant Restorative Odontotherapy Department Faculty of Dental Medicine “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest Bucharest, Romania Clinical Dentist in Bucharest, Romania CV Loredana Cojanu is a clinical dentist with experience and passion for aesthetic dentistry who graduated from the Dental Medicine “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania; PhD in Periodontology; Competence in Implantology. She is currently a Teaching Assistant in Restorative Odontotherapy Department of Dental Medicine “Carol Davila”. She is a member of ESCD, SSER. An author of scientific articles, she also has collaboratively authored book chapters in academic textbook. Questions What means the acronym IDA? q a. Immune disorder activity; q b. Iron deficiency anemia; q c. Increased data analyses; q d. Iron disease autoimmune. Anemia is associated with: 124 q a. decreased levels of hemoglobin (Hb); q b. increased values of hematocrit (Hct); q c. high levels of hemoglobin (Hb); q d. developing countries only. Stoma Edu J. 2017;4(2): 114-125 Oral manifestations can appear due to: Anemia is associated with: qa. Decreased levels of hemoglobin (Hb); qb. Increased values of hematocrit (Hct); qc. High levels of hemoglobin (Hb); qd. Developing countries only. Oral manifestations can appear due to: qa. A healthy diet; qb. An imbalance immune system; qc. Lack of risk factors; qd. Normal dental structures. Increased number of microorganisms in the oral cavity, the inflammatory reaction of the host and immunity response based on specific and nonspecific factors in the previous clinical cases are revealed by: qa. Normal microbial macroscopic aspects; qb. Epithelial cells with no trace of cocci, bacilli, candida filaments and fusobacterium species; qc. Lack of inflammatory infiltrated; qd. Immunohistochemical exam that showed a chronic inflammatory process. ORAL MANIFESTATIONS IN IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA: CASE REPORTS Articles ORAL MANIFESTATIONS IN IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA: CASE REPORTS 14 - 16 September 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA Stomatology Edu Journal 125