StOM StOM 1712 1801 | Page 12

now kept ? This is due in part to people respecting the effort that Linda makes in gardening , and I make in litter picking . When love is shown within and outside of a church building , it is felt and appreciated in many ways within the wider community .
The inside of the church is now looking loved , clean and tidy . This is so important for the life and working out of God โ€™ s love in and outside of the building . It is cleaned each week and I know that Carolanne and Matthew also pray for us each time that they clean here . Keeping the building ready for growth and worship is much more important than mopping the floors . Thank you both xx .
We have external lighting that works thanks to John ( Slimming World ), the church looks like a beautiful cathedral at night , Lit up , welcoming , and safe . The electrical survey has been completed with no nasty surprises . The fire safety assessment has been done , and so have all the risk assessments .
The funds of the church are sufficient , and we are blessed . Many local churches do not have the reserves that we do , or the regular income from lettings that we have . The bishop has assured the vestry that we will not be left without money . Good to know๐Ÿ˜Š . Please keep up your giving each month ; Every single penny is needed and will help and does help with God โ€™ s work . I thank Enez for the hard work that she puts in each month , and especially before the AGCM , to keeping our accounts in good order .
My thanks go out to the members of the vestry , without you I could not do what I do each week . Please continue to keep these people in your prayers as they serve you .
And to Morag a huge thank you for agreeing to take on the secretary duties .
This next year will bring new thoughts and actions , new prayers and teaching . God is with us .
I end with the prayer of humble access . Read it and pray it๐Ÿ˜Š
We do not presume to come to this thy Table , O merciful Lord , trusting in our own righteousness , but in thy manifold and great mercies . We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table . But thou art the same Lord , whose property is always to have mercy : Grant us therefore , gracious Lord , so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ , and to drink his blood , that our sinful bodies may be made clean by his body , and our souls washed through his most precious blood , and that we may evermore dwell in him , and he in us . Amen .
Every blessing
