StOM StOM 1706 | Page 4

Later , Peter explained that the Spirit would be given to everyone who turned from their sin and turned to God through Jesus ( Acts 2:38 ).
This was amazing . For the first time in history , God began to do what he had promised through Joel , bringing all different sorts of people to ministry . Whereas in the times of the Old Testament , the Spirit was poured out almost exclusively on prophets , priests , and kings , but in the age of the New Testament , the Spirit would be given to “ all people .” All would be empowered to minister regardless of their gender , age , or social position .
Although this truth would not mean that every Christian would be gifted for every kind of ministry , it did imply that all believers would be empowered by the Spirit . The church of Jesus Christ would be a place where every single person matters , where every member contributes to the health and mission of the church ( see Eph 4:11-16 ) and lest we forget :
You don ’ t go to church , you ARE the church .
So come on , speak up what is your gift and how are you sharing it . Tea making is the greatest gift of all by the way !! That and cleaning the toilets . 😊
Please come along to the Pentecost service on the 4th June wearing fiery colours !!!!!.

Lesley-ann x

Remember ! Remember !
The magazine can only be informative and interesting if everyone makes a contribution . So please provide the editor with a story maybe about your experience of the NHS ; a memory of childhood or attending St Oswald ’ s , a book review , a favourite place to visit etc . etc . to fill the pages of our “ small but beautifully formed magazine ”. ( Deadline Sunday 11 June 2017 ).
If you provide your email address you can receive an electronic copy of the magazine and access to back numbers .


StOM Page 4