StOM StOM 1705 | Page 10

PRAYER FOR CHURCH GROWTH Starting in St. Oswald’s on Thursday 27th April 2017, 6.30 to 8.30 pm, there will be a one hour “Prayer for Growth” followed by Tea and Coffee and a chat. The meeting will take place in the main part of the church with this being a time for quiet reflection, on growth or for your own personal peace of mind. This will be run by Linda Hardie. The hour prayer will be self-lead and there may be at times music played in the back ground or just quietness. You are invited in to the Vestry room for Tea, Coffee and Biscuit, but if you wish to remain in the Church and pray you are more than welcome to do so. (Volunteers welcome to help prepare the tea and coffee). Linda Hardie What’s ON @ St Oswald’s Sunday 1000 Sung Eucharist Sunday School – in conjunction with service Tuesday 1930-2130 St Oswald’s Vestry (First/month) Wednesday 0930 1130 1730 & 1930 Slimming World C Ellis 0773 353 8448 1000 Eucharist Friday 1900-2000 AA Contact Helpline 08475 697 555 Saturday 1000-1100 H Warnock Private Dance Classes 1930-2200 Sequence Dance Contact: H Warnock (01355-265233) StOM Page 10