How much money they will generate is not guaranteed. Like the Olympics,
billions are hoped for, but these days, with terror attacks in mind, many
would shy away from large gatherings, the hosts might end up being
Brigitte Williams
What’s ON @ St Oswald’s
Sunday 1000 Sung Eucharist
Sunday School – in conjunction with service
Tuesday 1930-2130 St Oswald’s Vestry (First/month)
Wednesday 0930 1130 1730 & 1930 Slimming World
C Ellis 0773 353 8448
Wednesday 1030 Matins Morning Prayer: Said Eucharist
Friday 1900-2000 AA Contact Helpline 08475 697 555
Saturday 1930-2200 Sequence Dance
Contact: H Warnock (01355-265233)
BOOK REVIEW “: Poacher’s Pilgrimage” by Alastair McIntosh
This book tells the story of the author’s walk from one end of the Isle of
Harris to the far end of the Isle of Lewis but this is
not an ordinary account of a walk with mere
descriptions of the passing scenery and wildlife
and the people met along the way. All these things
are included but so are a lot of meditations on
ecology (McIntosh was a lecturer in human
ecology at Edinburgh University for a time),
religion, traditional beliefs, pacifism versus war
and much else.
Alastair McIntosh was brought up on Harris, son of
the local doctor and became fascinated by
geology and the traditional beliefs of the local
people. On this walk he visits various ruined
buildings, some from comparatively recent times, the Clearances of the
c18th and c19’s, and some from prehistoric days.
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