What’s ON @ St Oswald’s
Sunday 1000 Sung Eucharist
Sunday School – in conjunction with service
Monday 1900-2100 (Last/month) Kings Park Community Council
Tuesday 1930-2130 St Oswald’s Vestry (First/month)
Wednesday 0930 1130 1730 & 1930 Slimming World
C Ellis 0773 353 8448
Wednesday 1030 Matins Morning Prayer: Said Eucharist
Friday 1900-2000 AA
Contact Helpline
08475 697 555
Saturday 1930-2200 Sequence Dance
Contact: H Warnock (01355-265233)
2000-2200 Sequence Dance
Contact: J Barr (01698-853652)
As you know, last year at General Synod proposed changes to Canon 31
(the Canon which relates to the rules for getting married in church) were
given their First Reading. The next stage is that those proposals go to each
Diocesan Synod to enable your representatives to debate the issues and
whatever the feelings of each Diocese might be, those observations are sent
to the Faith and Order Board for further deliberation.
The Rectors of our Region feel that you ought to be given the opportunity to
express whatever views or anxieties you might have on the proposals.
Accordingly, all the Rectors will host a “road show” on the subject. Rather
than have separate meetings in the Charges we have decided to offer three
meetings at one venue being St Margaret’s Newlands. The meetings will be
Saturday 28 th January (10:30 am – 12:30 am)
Tuesday 31 st January (11:00 am – 1:00 pm) and
Thursday 2 nd February (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm).
We hope that those three choices will give everyone the opportunity to
attend one of them.
The Rector
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