shortly be advertised, to run before Christmas. This is a great
opportunity to ensure that your website is fit for purpose as we
enter Advent.
Diocesan Constitution Review – The staff group met at Millport to
take forward the review. It is now hoped to have the Registrar’s
comments before a final draft can be presented to the Diocese.
Diocesan Website Facebook page launched – The Facebook
link from the Diocesan Website, has
been launched and is proving to be very popular with over 4,000
people visiting it in the first few weeks.
Diocesan Synod 2017 - will take place on Saturday March 4 th at
The Scottish Rural College (SRUC) Barony Campus, Parkgate,
Dumfries DG1 3NE
Chris Zochowski
Diocesan Secretary
[email protected]
For news of activities and events across the seven dioceses of the Scottish
Episcopal Church, check out the diocesan websites:
Aberdeen & Orkney
Argyll & The Isles
Glasgow & Galloway
Moray, Ross & Caithness
St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane
Venues and dates for South Regional Council Meetings 2016 / 2017
(All services and meetings begin at 7.30 pm)
Thursday February 16 th
Thursday May 25 th,
Tuesday October 10 th,
St Ninian’s
St Aidan’s (Ascension)
St Margaret’s (AGM
St Margaret’s, 353 Kilmarnock Rd, Newlands (G42 2DS)
Christmas Choral Classics. 9th of December, 7.30 pm.
The Academy of Sacred Music Glasgow will perform, and the programme
includes The Fantasia on Christmas Carols by Vaughan Williams, Vivaldi’s
Gloria and seasonal music by Palestrina, Tallis, Howells and
Britten. Admission by donation programme at the door.
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