StOM StOM 1611 | Page 7

Glasgow Care Foundation Dear Lesley-ann
I have spoken to yourself , Morag and Christine from Slimming World regarding my work with charity .
Our Charity has been established for 143 years in Glasgow , we help families and the elderly who cannot get help anywhere else , our referrals come from the Social Work Dept / CAB / Health Visitors etc .
We supply household goods for example floor coverings , white goods , beds and basic furniture . We also support local community groups with children ’ s outings etc . We are not government funded therefore our income comes from capital investments made in earlier years , bequests , legacies , donations and charitable trusts . At Christmas we make up parcels for families we have helped throughout the year with new toys for children , gift sets for teenagers and supermarket vouchers to buy their Christmas dinner , it is amazing what a difference this ‘ helping hand ’ can make to people therefore any support either to raise funds or awareness of our good work is much appreciated .
Christmas campaign has been launched and thank you for your support in spreading the word , the link below gives more information and a direct way to donate to the campaign on line should anyone prefer this method . We also gratefully accept donations of money or new toys from now until the 1 st week in December if the congregation can support with this . ( Donations can be collected from the church ).
Our website www . glasgowcarefoundation . org is in the process of being revamped but if you have time to have a look it will give you an idea of what we do . If you would like more information or a chat over a coffee please let me know , I live locally so can pop into the Church .
Kind Regards , Elaine Sergeant
Glasgow Care Foundation Orkney Street Enterprise Centre
18-20 Orkney Street
Govan Glasgow G51 2BX
( 0141 445 2736 / 0141 248 3535 )
StOM Page 7