HARVEST SERVICE followed by Lunch
Please make sure you add your name to the list at the back of the church so
those who are catering for the Harvest Lunch know how many will be
attending or whether they will need to perform a miracle to let lunch stretch
to feed the masses!
St Oswald’s Harvest donations will be given to Glasgow City Mission,
Christian Care since 1826.
The congregation is invited to make donations of non-perishable items or
place a clearly marked envelope in the offering plate on Harvest Sunday, 2
October 2016.
Glasgow City Mission www.glasgowcitymission.com - We work with adults
and children who are vulnerable and disadvantaged in Glasgow, people
that are often leading chaotic or difficult lives. We want to help them to
break free from their oppressive situations.
That situation may involve; homelessness, addiction, poverty, family
breakdown, prostitution, emotional issues - or maybe all of these.
We do this as a group of Christians who are passionate about the people
that look to us for help. We want to share a message of hope and aim to
have compassion for these individuals.
Thank You!
Glasgow Cit y Mission
The Seven Last Words of the Church “We never did it like that before”.
A Bishop visited a primary school in his full Episcopal attire – with his mitre,
robes and bishop’s crook or crozier.
A little lad’s mother asked him later what he had thought of the Bishops visit
to his school.
The little boy replied: “It was great – now I know what a real croo