StOM StOM 1607-08 | Page 19

COMPANION PARTNERSHIPS’ DAY THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF EFFECTIVE COMPANION PARTNERSHIPS HOW TO BEGIN - HOW TO GROW TOGETHER - HOW TO PART Saturday 1 st October 2016 The Threshold Centre Princes Street Perth PH2 8LJ The Centre is fully accessible 10.00 am for 10.30 am till 3 pm The Global Partnerships Committee of the Scottish Episcopal Church invites all across the Province who are involved in Companion Partnerships or thinking of getting involved in a Companion Partnership to a workshop gathering. There will be presentations on setting up a link and we will be making space for participants to share their experience of Companion Partnership so that we can learn from each other. A soup and sandwich lunch will be provided plus teas and coffees. Please complete the response slip below by the 30 th August 2016 so that we can make the catering arrangements. __________________________________________________________ I/we will attend the Companionship Partnerships’ Day Name (Please PRINT name) Diocese___________________________________________________ Bringing people with me List any dietary requirements _______________________________ I am a member of a Companion Partnership YES NO (Please indicate which) Address for response [email protected] or Church Relations Officer, General Synod Office, 21 Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EE Scottish Charity No SCO15962 StOM Page 19