StOM StOM 1604 | Page 5

Vestry Notes: The latest meeting of the Vestry was held on Tuesday, March 1 st , St David’s Day. Unfortunately the Rev. Lesley-ann was not present due to her own and Ashley’s illnesses. We all hope that by the time you are reading this they are both fully recovered. In Lesley-ann’s absence the meeting was chaired efficiently by Dorothy Nicholson, Rector’s Warden. She read out the report which Lesley-ann had prepared in advance of the meeting. From this we heard that various projects are getting under way. Willie Whitelaw is making progress with getting support for the Men’s Shed. Another project is known as WOW which stands for “Wider Opportunities for Women”. There are plans for groups of women to meet and sew banners which will eventually be hung in the church. Someone recommended by Linda Hardie who runs an upcycling project in Govan will bring sewing machines and fabric for this scheme. The other new departure is the installation of a phone and broadband facility on the church premises, one idea being to offer the local community free use of broadband on a certain day of the week. No decision has yet been made about arranging for a new kitchen, as most of the estimates received so far have been too expensive but this is still being considered. A letter from Robert Fleetwood was read out during the meeting explaining that he was resigning as Pledge Giving Convenor. He had been wanting to give this up for some time and his recent stay in hospital had convinced him that it was now time to do so. By the time the magazine comes out we hope that a successor to Robert will have been found. It is important that this job does not fall on the Treasurer’s shoulders; the two jobs are definitely too much for one person. On a more cheerful note, Linda Allan has asked if a patch in the church grounds could be used as a children’s garden for the Sunday School children to learn to grow things and this was agreed. Finally, Jean Robertson reminded us that the Ascension Day Service for the South Side churches would be held at St Oswald’s this year on May 5 th . Paula Fleetwood. StOM Page 5