StOM StOM 1604 | Page 15

Sad News
It was with deep sadness that we heard of the passing of former St Oswald ’ s member Eva Shimmons ( nee Wood ).
Due to work commitments Jack and Eva , and their family , moved to England but they continued to visit St Oswald ’ s a couple of times per year . Their last visit was in 2015 .
Our condolences are with all family and friends .
There ’ s Life in the Old Dog Yet ! The New Year has started with a bang for St Oswald ’ s congregation .
The March magazine carried pictures of the Burn ’ s Supper which was enjoyed by the crowds that filled the building .
Since then members of the congregation have been re-establishing St Oswald ’ s links with the life of the Diocese .
The 19 and 20 February 2016 found attendance in Prestwick and St Mary ’ s Cathedral Glasgow , meeting with and sharing fellowship with the Bishop and representatives from other congregations across the Diocese . The event at the Cathedral was lead by the Provost and Vice-Provost of the Cathedral asked you to consider “ who are we ”?
The last four weeks have also seen St Oswald ’ s host the World Day of Prayer with the local religious and wider community to share the service written by the women of Cuba . There has also been Monday evening Lenten Reflections which have allowed us to hear the observations of those standing at the foot of the Cross .
By the time you receive this magazine a number of Baptisms will have taken place on Easter Sunday and we offer a warm welcome to all .
The Spirit Moves in this Place ! Editor
PS : Don ’ t forget that on Sunday 24 April 2016 there will be NO SERVICE at St Oswald ’ s but everyone is invited to St Aidan ’ s , Clarkston to celebrate Holy Communion .
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