Services for Holy Week
24 March
7:30 pm
25 March
2:00 pm
26 March
Maundy Thursday
Holy Communion
Servers: B Gallacher
C Wilkie
Good Friday
Gather outside the
church for a short
walk with the cross
around the area
(shops, flats, mews)
2:30 - 3pm Reflection
in the church.
Holy Saturday
No Service
Easter Celebration:
He is Risen!
All are invited to come to Church on
Saturday 26 th March from 10am to
help decorate the Church for our
Easter Celebration.
Children and adults of any ability are
If you wish, bring your own flowers to
make small posies or larger floral
displays or come to enjoy fellowship.
(I am sure there will be a cup of tea
and perhaps a hot cross bun).
Prayer for Church Growth
O Lord
Cause us to increase and grow numerically,
And cause us to have a great impact on this community,
City and surrounding areas
Enable us who are part of St Oswald’s Church family
To be the yeast that grows your church
Legend of The Dogwood
An old and beautiful legend says that, at the time of the crucifixion,
the dogwood was comparable in size to the oak tree and other monarchs of
the forest. Because of its firmness and strength it was selected as the timber
for the cross, but to be put to such a cruel use greatly distressed the tree.
Sensing this, the crucified Jesus in his gentle pity for the sorrow and
suffering of all said to it:
"Because of your sorrow and pity for My sufferings, never again
will the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross.
Henceforth it will be slender, bent and twisted and its blossoms
will be in the form of a cross ~ two long and two short petals.
In the centre of the outer edge of each petal there will be
nail prints ~ brown with rust and stained with red ~ and in the centre
of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see this will remember."
Author Unknown
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