Vestry Notes
The most recent meeting of the Vestry was on Tuesday December 1 st .
It was reported that the church’s finances were still in a healthy state. The
Treasurer was still in process of arranging for the bank account to be put
online but she was (and still is) experiencing various difficulties and delays at
the Bank of Scotland. She was thanked for her hard work, not to mention her
patience when dealing with the bank!
The Rev. Lesley-ann reported that our applications for a grant for a Men’s
Shed had been approved by the First Minister and the money should be
coming into the church’s account very soon. A paid development worker,
Willie Whitelaw, has been appointed to work for 18 months looking into the
feasibility of having a Men’s Shed at St Oswald’s. Rev Lesley-ann has been
to an event at the Lighthouse about men’s sheds where she met a research
student looking for a project developing men’s sheds. It has been arranged
that he will work with Willie Whitelaw, doing 6 hours a week of desk- based
This being the last Vestry meeting before the AGM the Treasurer and
Secretary had to be elected for the coming year. Mrs Anderson and Mrs
Fleetwood were both re-elected but Mrs Fleetwood made it clear that she
would only serve for one more year. A volunteer will be needed to replace
her by December 2016, so will everyone please start praying for someone to
come forward?
Paula Fleetwood.
Magazine Remittance Due
Please note that it is time to pay for
your magazine account and Brigitte
will gratefully receive your cash or
Monthly Magazine (hard copy or pdf)
70p x 10
= £7
Inspires Magazine
= £8
Cheques should be made payable to
St Oswald’s SEC
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