StOM StOM 1602 | Page 3

FROM THE PULPIT (Did we ever have one?) Happy New Year to you all. It is always good to begin with scripture and this verse suits us very well. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 I feel encouraged as I write this, encouraged because as yet the church family hasn’t sacked me, the building still stands, new people are coming along to see what we are doing, projects are happening and there is money in the kitty. What priest could ask for more! The start of 2016 is bringing Face Book to St Oswald’s in the form of ‘Friends of St Oswald’s’ This is a closed group but if any of you are on Face Book just ask to be invited. On the page you will find up and coming events, prayer updates, and the ordinary daily comments of an Anglican priest!! This new creation will tide us over until the web site is up and running, and there will be a link to the page on the new site. The good news is that I have been able to take off most of the old information!!! As we leave Christmas behind, Lent is not far off; February the 10 th is Ash Wednesday and we will be keeping the tradition of an ‘ashing’ service, a beautiful and reflective way to remember that Jesus has paid the price for our sin and we are a new creation. I am contemplating a 10:30 service and another at 6:30pm for those who work? I ask for your wisdom on this please. During lent there will be a weekly hour of reflection on the theme of the people at the foot of the cross.  Mary mother of Christ  Mary Magdalene  The centurion  The beloved disciple  Joseph of Arimathea The timing and venue of these is to be arranged as I do not wish to exclude anyone. You may want to offer your house for one or more? When Lent is done Easter comes and I would dearly like to begin a short study leading to either confirm or baptism for those who have yet to be blessed in this way. Have a think is there anyone who you might want to invite to go deeper into faith? I hope that this coming year will bring new opportunities to welcome others as though they are Christ, and I pray that together we as the body of Christ in St Oswald’s become a pathway to a ‘New Creation’ Blessings Lesley-ann StOM Page 3