StOM StOM 1512 | Page 6

shrinking, weekday attendance growing, many people are in a worshipping community at least once a month, perhaps going once a month to a more family friendly event, that can be on a Friday, since often on Sundays children’s other activities are competing, e.g. sports Better provisions for children and young people need to be made, even before you have any, they are the growing church. The Sunday School model still happens, but we are also looking for new models that bring in children, like a ‘Messy Church’. Children cannot easily sit through a service, they need to be able to play, need their own group activities. And how can we involve the men? Weekends are for Dads, so we must invite them. Only 25 % of Anglicans invite somebody to church. But you can invite by ‘electronic invitation’ as well as personally. Churches can get integration after invitation! The Web Site is a most important tool, many find their church these days through a Web Site. Improving the welcome and integration into a church is vital. This does not only mean personally looking after new comers, but making the buildings more accessible, improving the environment, even the toilets or the kitchen (as St Oswald’s is hoping to do). Sharing food, have a meal together, is another tool for integration where friendships are formed and thoughts exchanged. And how can we improve services? Can we provide quality music, which is varied and contemporary? Can we have better pastoral care and small groups? Can we make worship less formal and provide a more relaxed atmosphere – even a sofa to sit on? And can we be free to laugh in services and be joyful? Much of this many of us know, much of this we have already started to implement. But building the Kingdom of God requires constant effort, dedication and love, are we ready and prepared? Above all, pray for St Oswald’s, our church family, pray for more people to come and pray for all who turn up. B Williams Vestry Notes The latest meeting of the Vestry took place on Tuesday, November 3 rd . It did not begin well. When we arrived we found that the central heating boiler wasn’t working. For a few minutes it looked as though we would have to meet in the corridor which was warmer than the vestries. The church was a bit warmer too but Slimming World was meeting there. Eventually, someone remembered that there was a fan heater in the vestry so we were able to move back there as usual. At the time of writing John Caullay is expected to go and deal with the boiler either today or tomorrow. By the time you are reading this all should be well. StOM Page 6