StOM StOM 1511 | Page 14

The Rt Rev Dr John Armes , Bishop of Edinburgh says “ I am deeply shocked that the Saudi courts would press for the execution of Ali al-Nimr . In the name of the compassionate God I appeal to King Salman to grant clemency to him . I would urge that this is an opportunity for the King to set an example to others , demonstrating his Kingdom ’ s commitment to proper legal process and human rights . It is worrying that the UK government has remained largely silent on this matter . Many have questioned the present government ’ s commitment to human rights and their silence here is perhaps further chilling evidence that they are not prepared to champion the cause of the powerless . I call upon the UK government to speak out and to do all in its power to bring about a change of heart in the Saudi authorities . This death sentence is completely unjustified .”
- See more at : http :// www . scotland . anglican . org / championing-the-cause-ofthe-powerless-bishops-comment-on-the-death-sentence-imposed-on-ali-alnimr /# sthash . uN7vl6SU . dpuf
Inspires Magazine – Autumn 2015 edition
The Autumn edition of Inspires Magazine is now available . To subscribe , please visit http :// www . scotland . anglican . org / who-weare / publications / inspires /
This edition includes articles on reconciliation , the work of the Quakers , an insight into Buddhism , Health and Social Care Chaplaincy and preparing for Ministry .
Equality Act 2010 – Access to Church Buildings
Guidance on issues of access to church buildings has been updated and is on the Scottish Episcopal Church website under the Vestry Resources section : http :// www . scotland . anglican . org / vestryresources / buildings / equality-act-2010-guideline-for-congregations /
Visit George Square to see the Holy Family and Manger Scene .
To absorb the amazing atmosphere , meander through the Glasgow seasonal markets , revive your ice skating skills or admire the festive lights all from the comfort of the double-deck pavilion overlooking George Square and the ice-rink .
StOM Page 14