StOM StOM 1510 | Page 11

Vestry Notes The latest meeting of the Vestry took place on Tuesday, September 8 th . This was a week later than the usual date for a Vestry meeting as it was felt that asking Lesley-ann to chair a meeting only days after her Licensing Service would have been a bit much. The meeting did indeed begin with a welcome to our new Priest-in-Charge, the Rev Lesley-ann Craddock. It was evident from her report to the Vestry that she has already started to make her mark in the area. We were glad to hear that she and her husband, Ashley, were settling into their new home very well and meeting their neighbours who had welcomed them even if they might have been a bit bemused by the idea of a “woman minister” who didn’t always wear a clerical collar! When Lesley-ann was appointed we were told that she and her husband would form a team when it came to mission and service St Oswald’s. This certainly seems to be true as it was announced that Ashley had volunteered to be Property Convener. This news was received with great relief by all members of the Vestry and particularly by the Secretary. He already has plans for erecting the Episcopal Church sign (somewhat disrespectfully referred to by most of us as “the pub sign”) outside the church once a wooden pole can be found to replace the rusty metal one. This should tell people that St Oswald’s is indeed a church and not just a hall for meetings! Meanwhile a poster version of “the pub sign” has been inserted in the notice-board just inside the church railings. As you know, Lesley-ann’s duties involve her pioneer ministry in the surrounding area. Because of this the 10:30 service on Wednesday morning will be Holy Communion only on the first Wednesday of the month. In the other weeks it will be Mattins which can be led by lay members of the congregation as Lesley-ann is meeting other members o