StOM StOM 1509 | Seite 3

FROM THE PULPIT A s I am writing this I am looking over my shoulder at the growing mountain of boxes which are full of books in my study waiting to be moved to Mary Slessor Wynd; change is afoot, not just for myself and family but for you all. You as a congregation have been through a big time of transition, you have been carefully steering the ship on a course mostly uncharted, and have voted ‘bravely’ to take on a priest from south of the border as your leader and companion for the next few years. For that honour I thank you. Scott has written about change being tricky for church, well I feel it is tricky in whatever context it comes and that is a very good thing! Because in that ‘trickiness’ is where the grace of God is apparent. In grace we can receive and hear each other, we can look at each other and pray for the best in all things for the person or group we are with, and it is that unity of faithful love which will be the theme of my daily prayers for us all. On the note of daily prayer, I have yet to find out what your tradition of this office is, and I shall be very excited to join in however it happens; collectively or privately. You may be relieved to know that I will not be making big changes to your spiritual practices, and that this new broom will not be sweeping clean time honoured events that work well for all of you. However I do have one request as I prepare to come to you with moving vans loaded and a slightly lost look on my face; I ask that you individually join me in a prayer that can be said daily, at a time and in a place you each see fit. Put it in your diary or on the fridge to remind you to say it, say it silently or aloud, God will receive it either way. This is a good way to begin our journey together in faith. Living God teach me to live in unity with all. If there is unity in my heart, there will be beauty in my character. If there is beauty in my character, there will be harmony in this home. If there is harmony in this home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. So let it be In Jesus name. Amen StOM Page 3