Vestry Notes
he latest meeting of the Vestry was held on Tuesday, June 2 nd .
One important item on the agenda was the Institution of the Rev.
Lesley-ann Craddock as our new Priest-in-Charge and Pioneer Priest
for the local area. This will take place on Saturday, August 29 th at 11:30am
No actual decision has yet been taken about the purchase of an electronic
machine advertised as “No organ, no problem” to replace the organ. The
decision has been taken in principle but Canon Robertson is going to ask a
Priest whose church already uses one exactly how it works and how easy it
is to operate.
Both the question of the organ and final arrangements for the Institution are
going to be discussed at a shortened Vestry meeting on July 7 th .
By that time it is just possible that we may have new LED lights in the church.
I have only just obtained the phone number of a reliable electrician whom I
hope to contact next week after Robert and I return from a weekend in York.
Also on the property front, it was decided that the heating would now be
turned off for the Summer. I admit that the weather doesn’t seem very
summery at the moment but we can’t afford to keep the heating on full time
during the whole year.
You will gather from the above that I still seem to be dealing with the
property. Once again can I appeal for someone to take over the post of
Property Convener, preferably before the new priest arrives?
P Fleetwood
On 30 August David and Brigitte are celebrating their Golden Wedding.
We would like to share this happy occasion with the congregation of St
The Service on 30 August will of course be the first Communion Service
which Lesley-Ann celebrates at St Oswald’s as Priest in Charge. Lesley-Ann
has agreed to give us some kind of space within the service, the form of this
still has to be agreed The service will not be a Prayer Book Service, although
it is a fifth Sunday in the month, but will follow the liturgy of the Blue Book.
After the service we would like to invite the congregation to a glass of sherry
and a piece of cake in the Vestry rooms. (Tea and coffee will also be served
as usual.)
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