The churches do not want to create a legal system different from the state . They do let the authorities know who is living at their buildings . Also , most of those living there for 6 months are given asylum . This may tell us something about the quality of the first asylum procedures . Unfortunately , present negotiations between the state and the churches may not bring a solution to the current problem of mass immigration , in particular of those coming across the Mediterranean . The authorities have been making the task of the churches more difficult by now suggesting that they must look after their guests for 18 months , a huge financial burden for most churches . Churches also need to recognise , that loving one ’ s neighbour without conditions cannot be the answer for our modern states to the present mass immigration . However , the churches are trying to counter the authority of the state ‘ with the authority of the loving Christ ’, as one theologian said , ‘ and that sanctuary needs to be a necessary sting in the flesh of a state based on law ’.
( Using an article in FAZ 14 February 2015 )
Words ! Words ! Words !
L exophilia is a word used to describe the condition of having a love for words , such as “ you can tune a piano , but you can ’ t tuna fish ”, or “ to write with a broken pencil is pointless ”.
A competition to see who can come up with the best lexophiles is held every year at an undisclosed location .
This year ’ s winning submission is written in bold !
‣ A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months
‣ The batteries were given free of charge
‣ A dentist and a manicurist married . They fought tooth and nail !
‣ Police were summoned to a day care centre where a toddler was resisting a rest
‣ A boiled egg is hard to beat
‣ The guy who fell on an upholstery machine is now fully recovered !
‣ Those who get too big for their pants will be totally exposed in the end
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